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   Путь: Panvasoft / Образование, Наука, Хобби / Тесты / Julia Test System Eng /
05:21:49, Пятница, 07 Марта 2025 


 Размер: 2428 Кб  Оценка посетителей: (3.67)
 ОС: Windows 9x/NT/2000  Интерфейс: Англоязычный
 Установка: Установка и деинсталяция  Лицензия: Shareware ($10)
 Страница программы: Здесь  Обновление: 24.10.2001(24.10.2001)
 Автор: Yaroschuk Julia   Загрузок сегодня: 0
 Все программы автора: показать   Загрузок всего: 202

   The software package represents a flexible and effective means for testing the students, processing of results of testing, creation of the various reports, conducting statistics. Also given program can easily be modified, be updated and change (probably change of examples of testing, addition of new examples, addition of new themes for testing and much another). The testing in the program is constructed in such a manner that various on complexity the examples of testing have various weight factors, and the numbers typed by the user during testing are charged in view of these factors. The program is equipped with the contextual help. For reception of the password to administration, request to address to the author. At present in the program there are only questions on differentiation. Other themes will be added in base at the request of the users.

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