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[Desktop, office] [Net, Internet] [Games] [Multimedia] [Business] [System] [Security] [Graphic] [Auto, Moto] [Education, Science] [Programming] [Web-developing] [Drivers] 05:22:44, Friday, 07 March 2025 

1.  ICQ Emotion HotKey Size: 624 Kb, License: Shareware, Language: RUS & ENG
ICQ Emotion HotKey is an ultimate helper when you do not have time or not willing to execute too many actions to insert an emoticon or a text message while communicating with your friends through ICQ. Most of the users don't usually feel any great inconvenience when seeking for and inserting the nec... See description and download ICQ Emotion HotKey
Today downloaded: 0 times, Total downloaded: 6 times, Last update: 28.11.2007, Users vote:
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