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1.  Advanced Password Generator 1.1F Size: 69 Kb, License: Freeware, Language: RUS & ENG
It is a small-size generator of passwords, but It has huge facilities: Normal and euphonic passwords. Create list of passwords. Random and keyword-based passwords. Dynamic charset change. Both DOS and Windows version. Multilingual interface. Detailed help. Doesn't require install. See description and download Advanced Password Generator 1.1F
Today downloaded: 0 times, Total downloaded: 3060 times, Last update: 13.7.2003, Users vote:
2.  Blackman's E-mail encoder 1.2 Size: 77 Kb, License: Freeware, Language: RUS & ENG
E-mail encoder ciphers e-mail address so it can't be found by spam-robots which scanning HTML-pages. It has four encode methods: from simple (not encoded) link up to JavaScript (address extracting is possible only by manual processing). So functionality of the link is completely kept! The program ha... See description and download Blackman's E-mail encoder 1.2
Today downloaded: 0 times, Total downloaded: 591 times, Last update: 22.3.2004, Users vote:
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