1. TelStar Size: 552 Kb, License: Shareware, Language: ENG
TelStar is a lean and quick telnet client for Windows 95 and up. It supports and displays visual attributes such as bold, dim, blink, underline, italic, double-width and double-height, and colors. The software supports ansi, scoansi, vt100, and wyse60 emulations. In addition you can "clone"...
Today downloaded: 0 times, Total downloaded: 36 times, Last update: 20.1.2004, Users vote:
2. Sauver Personal Backup Size: 1106 Kb, License: Shareware, Language: ENG
Sauver Personal Edition Backup is true "Set and Forget" backup. Define any number of full, incremental, or differential backups, with a wide range of scheduling options. No need to execute the backup manually. No need to remain logged on for the software to work.
Today downloaded: 0 times, Total downloaded: 9 times, Last update: 7.12.2005, Users vote:
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