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[Desktop, office] [Net, Internet] [Games] [Multimedia] [Business] [System] [Security] [Graphic] [Auto, Moto] [Education, Science] [Programming] [Web-developing] [Drivers] 05:40:53, Friday, 07 March 2025 

1.  Mass eMailer 2.1 Size: 1125 Kb, License: Shareware, Language: ENG
Mass eMailer 2.1 is easy to use but powerful program for sending bulk emails to multiple recipients. It has internal SMTP server and internal DNS client, so you can send emails without using your ISP mail servers. It supports multiple attachments and html format of the messages. You can save the pro... See description and download Mass eMailer 2.1
Today downloaded: 0 times, Total downloaded: 88 times, Last update: 13.5.2004, Users vote:
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