1. E-Time 1.0 Size: 209 Kb, License: Freeware, Language: ENG
E-Time by Media Programming Group company is program for automated system clock correction by means of Internet. Your system time will be regullary collating with atomic clock, and your computer clock will always be precise.
Today downloaded: 0 times, Total downloaded: 940 times, Last update: 27.11.2002, Users vote:
2. 3DMiracle & 3DMonster toolkit Size: 1858 Kb, License: Shareware, Language: RUS & ENG
Easy to operate program toolkit for creating Single Image stereograms with 3d animation support. 3 rendering algorithms, including hidden surface removal and distortions compensation. Removing 3D object slices. Built-in texturizer. Gradiend random dots colors. 24 bits color high resolution output im...
Today downloaded: 0 times, Total downloaded: 815 times, Last update: 10.4.2007, Users vote:
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