Atomic alarm clock with digital or round interface. As event reminder it lets you conveniently manage your important dates and times. Supports user-selected clock skins in BMP, GIF, JPG, WMF formats, sends e-mail notifications and plays sounds. Displays animated alarm icon on the taskbar.
Another programms: SiteAnalyzer - SiteAnalyzer designed to SEO audit & analyze site SiteAnalyzer - SiteAnalyzer designed to SEO audit & analyze site SiteAnalyzer - SiteAnalyzer designed to SEO audit & analyze site Majento SiteAnalyzer - SiteAnalyzer designed to SEO audit & analyze site Visitors Management System - Design printable identity card for visitors DocsToBox v1.2 - Track paper documents placed into storage. TimeCard Plus v3.7.1 - Tracks time, attendance and worker benefits.