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   Path: Panvasoft / Web-developing / Else ... / CubeForum /
20:34:42, Monday, 23 December 2024 

 Size: 3200 Kb  Users Vote: (4.00)
 OS: Windows 9x/NT/2000  Interface: Russuan & Englis
 Installation: no Install  License: Shareware ($30)
 Programm home page: Here  Last update: 15.1.2005(15.1.2005)
  Author: CubeReality  Downloads Today: 0
  Enother author's programs: show  Downloads Total: 130

   Advanced forum system for your web-site.
"Much more than unlimited communications"
This unique forum system is based on the principals of performance,
portability, security and easy-use. Our forum includes all known
functionalities of the modern web-forum system, and even much more! Also, it
additionally provides a great performance, - our database offers the
possibility to store up to 2147438647 categories, themes, messages and
answers what is absolutely impossible for any existing Perl/PHP/ASP/ASP.NET
solutions. Please, note that it is installed on our site and you can try it
right now
Our advantages:
1. Very precise, flexible and totally customizable members access rights
2. Comfortable and easy-use administrator panel that provides with the
possibility of tweaking every single functionality of our forum system
3. No additional external database support (such as MySQL or other) is
required, - high performance database is already included in the
4. Forum messages are totally customizable. It allows our user to format
them flexibly, attach images and binary files
5. Our object-oriented database is highly resistible to any possible
external damages caused by the instabilities in the server functionality; it
includes the self-restoring capacity and automated backup functionality
6. Flexible and totally customizable user's notification-by-email system
7. Advanced skin and localization tuning system allows our user to select
language and skin for his sessions
8. Inbuilt multilingual support
9. Logins and passwords can be written by using any language either any
symbol you wish. You have no restrictions to use the standard English
letters and numbers or any other (what is particularly interesting to
non-english speakers)
10. The only support you need from your hosting provider is a binary CGI
11. Our forum will work on any browser that supports java-script
12. Incredibly low price, and advantageous distribution conditions
CubeReality (
UNIX, Win32, Linux support included


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