The program is capable to order your domestic collection of CDs from a various sort the information: games, programs, music, etc. But it is adapted to conducting the catalogue of disks with films most all. The opportunity in detail enough is supported to describe a record on a disk; to input a CD number and its name, a record type (game, software...) and a genre (for films). Records retrieval under a CD number, under a title and under a release year is supported. The account of CDs is realized in the program also. You can input a brief information (only a Debtor Surname) or more detailed (home address, phone). Besides you can save a list of given CDs with an information about debtors in the txt-file. The print of a list of all CDs or print of an information about a separately taken CD is supported. It is possible to relate the support of English language to the features of the program.
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