AstroWin CE is an astrological application, which you can use to display the zodiac on a Pocket PC. Just think how great it would be to do a quick chart anywhere, without that spatial connection (on the way, on attendance when befriending or in vacation). You need only your PDA and AstroWin CE. AstroWin CE is a full-featured astrological program that includes house systems, planets, elements, composites, synastries, transits and qualities. It includes a database that makes it very easy to find your location and time zone. It also provides the longitude, latitude and time zone of up to 120,000 cities worldwide. AstroWin CE v. 2.0 is available in three editions: 1. AstroWin CE Quick Edition: - the English version: its database contains countries of English speakers such as: USA, UK, Canada, Australia and South Africa; - the German version: its database contains countries of German speakers such as: Germany, Austria and Switzerland. 2. AstroWin CE Standard Edition: it has two component: a PocketPC component and a Windows component. From the Windows component you can customize some of the astrological parameters, such as colors and symbols for planets, elements or aspects. You can also choose the system of the houses or define the orbs of the aspects. The database of the Standard Edition contains up to 120,000 cities worldwide. 3. AstroWin CE Expert Edition: the computations are performed based on Ephemerides covering the years 1800 AD - 2399 AD. Starting wint the AstroWinCE v. 2.0.1 there is the possibility of configurating some of the astrological parameters not only from the Windows component but from the Pocket PC as well. You can configure directly from your Pocket PC the house systems, the aspect orbs and you can hide / show the houses, aspects and mirror points. Each one of the three editions is available for ARM, MIPS and SH3 processors and each of them is available in English and German.