Utility for minimization and lock windows in system tray. What? Your program has a no possibility to minimization in system tray? But You so wanted that loved WinAmp, time-tested file manager, were minimized in system tray ... Then this program Captain Tray for You. It may to capture the main window of application, and then you press MINIMIZE BUTTON, moves application in system tray. In version 3.0 You may lock windows by password.
Another programms: SiteAnalyzer - SiteAnalyzer designed to SEO audit & analyze site SiteAnalyzer - SiteAnalyzer designed to SEO audit & analyze site SiteAnalyzer - SiteAnalyzer designed to SEO audit & analyze site Majento SiteAnalyzer - SiteAnalyzer designed to SEO audit & analyze site Visitors Management System - Design printable identity card for visitors DocsToBox v1.2 - Track paper documents placed into storage. TimeCard Plus v3.7.1 - Tracks time, attendance and worker benefits.