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   Path: Panvasoft / Education, Science / Dictionaries / WinLexic 2005 /
19:58:17, Monday, 23 December 2024 

 Size: 2745 Kb  Users Vote: (0)
 OS: Windows 2000/NT/XP  Interface: Russuan & Englis
 Installation: Install & Uninstall  License: Shareware ($60)
 Programm home page: No  Last update: 30.9.2009(30.9.2009)
  Author: Advanced International Translations  Downloads Today: 0
  Enother author's programs: show  Downloads Total: 9

   WinLexic 2005 is a GUI (Graphic User Interface) to Microsoft glossaries for technical translators and technical translation agencies.
Microsoft glossaries are publicly available from the Microsoft Corporation FTP Server and its mirrors, and provide a wealth of information for technical translators and anyone else who would like to be familiar with multilingual terminology used in Microsoft software products and use it consistently. Due to the tremendous size of some glossaries, users have to download them via FTP client software, able to automatically resume broken transfers.
WinLexic contains built-in FTP client configured to access Microsoft public FTP server or its mirrors. The FTP client is able to resume transfers, which is very suitable for huge glossaries. WinLexic also automatically unpacks and identifies glossaries, therefore no WinZip or any technical knowledge is required.
After downloading and unpacking Microsoft® Glossaries WinLexic groups raw glossary data into suitable and user-friendly directory tree.
WinLexic is fast and can search through multiple Microsoft glossaries at once. In addition it offers a wealth of options (Source/Target search, whole word search, case-sensitive search, searching for the presence of 2 terms or phrases in a single string).
WinLexic also has a number of customizable settings, e.g. hot keys, glossary terms highlighting, special symbols highlighting.

WinLexic 2005


Tags: Dictionary, Translator, Glossary, Glossaries, Microsoft Glossaries, Translation, Dictionaries, Translation agency, Download Microsoft glossa, Microsoft glossary

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