ReStopAll - utility that helps you stop all or start all ReGet Deluxe(tm) downloads by one mouse click. This can be needed, when you surfing the web, sending or receiving e-mail, and other times, when you necessary quickly to stop for a few time download files from internet, but some time later start it again.
Stop/Start All ReGet Deluxe(tm) Downloads by one mouse click. Show or hide tray icon. Auto hide tray icon. Select Single or Double click to stop/start all. Show or hide ReGet Deluxe(tm) Taskbar icon. Do not stop download if resuming not supported (in registered version only). Start All only previously Stopped All downloads (in registered version only).
ReGet Deluxe(tm) by ReGet Software ( is a powerful tool that helps you to download files from Internet. (You can latest version ReGet Deluxe(tm) at ReGet Deluxe(tm) Home page)