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   Path: Panvasoft / Programming / DataBase / Database design and deployment tool BDB /
15:24:40, Saturday, 11 January 2025 

 Size: 3500 Kb  Users Vote: (0)
 OS: Windows 2000/NT/XP  Interface: English
 Installation: Install & Uninstall  License: Shareware ($168)
 Programm home page: No  Last update: 12.1.2008(12.1.2008)
  Author: bainsoft  Downloads Today: 0
  Enother author's programs: show  Downloads Total: 2

   BDB is a software of database design and database deployment issued by bainsoft.
It supports these database: Oracle, MS SQLServer, Access, MySQL, SQLAnyWhere and Sybase.

1.database design.
Build the database model by BDB, support forward-engineering and reverse-engineering,
and the comparison update and double-way synchronization between the database model
and the entity database.

2.database deployment.
Create the program of the database deployment by BDB.
Besides the normal envocation, BDB supply the support of outer command line invoking the database auto-installation.

3.database auto-update.
Carry out the database auto-update without affecting the data of the original table.
In addition, you can carry out the database auto-update development quickly and conveniently.

4.The database migration.
Supply a complete database migration schedule. You can carry out migration across the database platforms.
The objects that can be migrated includes tables, indexes, constraints, default values, triggers,
views, procedures, functions and the table data.

5.Inquiry analysis
The databases rapid inquiry analysis.
the table data inquiry, edition and deriving-out.

6.SQL script pre-view.

7.Support across the database platforms.

8.Adopt the scheme pattern.Support multi-database management.

9.Support the definition and synchronization of reusable attributes.

10.Development languages support(C#/Delphi/JAVA)
Opened database physical structure file format(XML standard format).
Supply the source program of the outer invocation database.

11.Support multi-languange.

Database design and deployment tool BDB


Tags: Database design, Database deployment, Database migration

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