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   Path: Panvasoft / Desktop, office / Utilities / Cover Letter Creator /
23:25:59, Monday, 23 December 2024 

 Size: 517 Kb  Users Vote: (4.00)
 OS: Windows 95/98/2000/NT  Interface: English
 Installation: only Install  License: Freeware
 Programm home page: No  Last update: 21.1.2007(21.1.2007)
  Author: Cover Letter Creator  Downloads Today: 0
  Enother author's programs: show  Downloads Total: 69

   Cover Letter Creator is a FreeWare Software enabling one to make an Attention-Pulling Resume Cover Letter while following the step by step instructions. The procedure consists of seven steps which one has to follow from the beginning until the end. Each step includes an example in such a way that the user can easily follow the meaning and logic of the instructions. At the end one can generate the Cover Letter. A TXT-file will be created which one can save into a folder on PC or laptop. Links are also provided (to do some research work) and to obtain information that can be used to make the Cover Letter more appealing and attracting. After the generation of the Cover Letter, further tips and tricks are mentioned in order to enhance the probability of a response for a personal interview. The Cover Letter is focused upon vacancies. Unsollicited Responses to companies will be developed in a second or ... version. The Cover Letter is made by a Senior Outplacement Consultant who has years of experience in Cover Letters and of course also in Resumes.

Cover Letter Creator


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