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   Path: Panvasoft / System / Utilities / SVS_RenameFiles 2.3 /
05:33:14, Friday, 07 March 2025 

 Size: 900 Kb  Users Vote: (0)
 OS: Windows 2000/NT/XP  Interface: Russuan & Englis
 Installation: Install & Uninstall  License: Freeware
 Programm home page: No  Last update: 19.9.2006(19.9.2006)
  Author: Вадик  Downloads Today: 0
  Enother author's programs: show  Downloads Total: 113

    The program in 3 languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English.
First of all it is necessary to note, that the program works with unlimited quantity of files, i.e. for carrying out of the same operations of renaming with files or MP3 tags it is possible to load in the given appendix, as one, and tens, hundreds, thousand... files and to rename their time (it also concerns and to files MP3 with the same renaming tags). The result will be ready in few seconds!!!
The program allows to convert letters (from Russian on English, from English on Russian, from Russian on English of Russian sense, from the English Russian sense on Russian, from Ukrainian on English, from English on Ukrainian, from Ukrainian on English of the Ukrainian sense, from the English Ukrainian sense on Ukrainian): all letters are adjusted, to put / delete blanks between symbols, to replace a blank with other symbol, to delete superfluous symbols (they are adjusted), to change the register of letters, to add some counter in the beginning and-or at the end of the name. The program also can rename folders and work with put in folders. All described is universality, i.e. concerns to renaming, as files, and MP3 tags.
MP3 It is possible not only to rename tags (30 pieces), but also to set to them new values. Also it is possible to choose with what tags to work ID3v1 and-or ID3v2. Function "To use a name of a file" allows to bring in tags of value from a name of a file or, on the contrary, "to blind" a name of a file from MP3 tags.
After pressing button "TO RENAME " (there is also a preliminary viewing) in the report (in the bottom of the program) interactive results of renaming on each file will be deduced.
Complete with program SVS_RenameFiles v2.3 program SVS_ShowMP3tags v2.2 is delivered, which allows to look through / edit all MP3 tags (30 pieces) by a simple choice (click of the mouse, an arrow on the keyboard, etc.) MP3 a file from the list.

SVS_RenameFiles 2.3

SVS_RenameFiles 2.3


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