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   Path: Panvasoft / System / Disks, Files / SyncFolder 2.1 /
17:50:52, Saturday, 11 January 2025 

 Size: 2880 Kb  Users Vote: (0)
 OS: Windows 9x/NT/2000  Interface: English
 Installation: Install & Uninstall  License: Shareware ($26)
 Programm home page: Here  Last update: 26.11.2004(26.11.2004)
  Author: Christoph Buenger  Downloads Today: 0
  Enother author's programs: show  Downloads Total: 73

   SyncFolder helps you to synchronize two or more folders/computers and to backup your important data. All sync-settings can be saved in a syncfolder-projectfile for later execution or scheduled execution. You can set many options and filters which files you wish to be synchronized/backed up/deleted. The program also supports ftp-connections to update ftp-servers or to get files from a ftp-server. The program can send a mail containing a detailed log of the synchronization at the end of the the execution to any email-adress. This program really assists you in your daily backupy or to get your computers synchronized. SyncFolder also provides a preview of the process so that you can preview before executing the synchronization.

SyncFolder 2.1


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