paulo, informaticaflash[at] â 23.10.2005 00:20:57
presciso do serial number dvdsanta sse tiver me envia por favor grato paulo
mary, rianico[at] â 2.5.2005 10:16:48
Hi,I have the same problem,i purchased Dvd Santa and used visa,but it tells me "movefile error"code 5,i have tryed to contact the developers but my email cannt be sent.please help!!!
I have tried the Demo Dvd Santa3,this did work!!
ray dare, rydar.7[at] â 16.8.2004 08:28:36
To whom it conserns
I have already purchased DVD Santa and Im not getting help to restore the the moment Im having trouble putting in the files And when I do and I record it I get a black screen with DVD Santa writen across it The name that came back with the EXE was Yi Zhou This was payed for through PayPal if Verifocation is needed.Again I ask Please help me,When It was running the Program was Very good