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   Path: Panvasoft / Education, Science / Science programs / CalculationLaboratory /
20:37:09, Monday, 23 December 2024 

 Size: 2179 Kb  Users Vote: (0)
 OS: Windows 7  Interface: Russuan & Englis
 Installation: Install & Uninstall  License: Freeware
 Programm home page: Here  Last update: 1.4.2015(1.4.2015)
  Author: MDCI  Downloads Today: 0
  Enother author's programs: show  Downloads Total: 26

   CalculationLaboratory - mathematical program that can handle scripts (their own programming language), and also can handle scripts extemely number (decimal).
There is also the Builder of the graphs. You may plotting to use both conventional and extreme number.
The program supports the following functions: mathematical - factorial, double factorial multiple of factorial, the Exhibitor, the median triangle, trigonometric and hyperbolic and inverse them and other functions.



Tags: Script, Function, Calculation, Division, Mathematics, Addition, Multiplication, Subtraction, The degree, The difference, Sine, Cosine

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