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   Path: Panvasoft / Desktop, office / Utilities / Internet Image To Desktop v2.6 /
22:50:38, Monday, 23 December 2024 

 Size: 1517 Kb  Users Vote: (5.00)
 OS: Windows 9x/NT/2000  Interface: English
 Installation: Install & Uninstall  License: Shareware ($18)
 Programm home page: Here  Last update: 30.6.2003(30.6.2003)
  Author: PSoft RPG  Downloads Today: 0
  Enother author's programs: show  Downloads Total: 408

    This program allows smart arranging of your favorite Web pictures just on the desktop.With Internet Image To Desktop you can easy place pictures like exchange quotes, currency courses, counters etc. everywhere on your working environment by couple of clicks. Then you'll be able to hold actual data always before your eyes!
Unlike Active DesktopT this program is designed closely to display and update pictures quickly and smartly. On-top picture position is supported. Internet Image To Desktop updates selected pictures automatically when you online. Only necessary pictures (not their pages code!) are updated. While downloading IE behavior is simulated to resolve possible problems with scripts, redirectors, complex counters, etc. Internet Image To Desktop supports all Internet picture formats and provides quick access to pages containing selected pictures. It works fine with or without proxy server.
This program is full functional and free. Developer page displaying will be removed after registration.

Internet Image To Desktop v2.6


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