EmailSender - a convenient way to send e-mail messages. It is not replaceable tool for web masters and leading people own mailing list. This tool can permanently solve the problem sending messages to users. Now, to send messages. You'll spend a minute or do not spend. Capabilities ------------ - Create automatic delivery of letters; - Each letter will have only one receiver, and therefore will be marked as important and will must read! - A list of recipients can be separated by a linefeed, comma or a semicolon accurate; - To the letter, you can attach files; - Send anonymous emails (spoofing the sender's e-mail); - Set a delay between sending messages; - A list of attachments can be divided by a linefeed, comma or a semicolon accurate; - A progress bar; - Logged in the errors and successful delivery; - Run on a schedule; - Interaction with other programs; (Third-party software can create their own newsletter and send through our programmm, as all the settings for sending are stored in plain text files); - Stand-alone operation without user intervention.