This software is designed to test proxies on serviceability. The interface is simple and intuitive - works in the "automatic" mode that is launched for execution and can safely go about their business. Svorachivatsya program to the tray ...
Fast Proxy Expert allows you to retrieve a list of proxies from text files (txt, html, ...). At the same source file can contain not only the proxy, and any other information. Delimiter for records - there is a space on either side or end of line. As for checking proxy Do not use Internet Explorer, the program is fairly simple (and hence more reliable), and flexible. Verification is multithreaded, ie at the same time can be checked a few proxy servers.
Help on the program "Fast Proxy Expert".
Details of the program "Fast Proxy Expert". Example: The source file might be: 80 / / Jabberwocky 8080 Russian Prokom ... 81 38 stat 3128 2144 101-01-31
Of these lists will be extracted proxies are tested for performance and result in a file like this: 80 Prokom Amerekanskaya 3128 Prokom ROsiyskaya 81 Prokom Amerekanskaya, and even Commercial
Verena on the performance and result in a file like this: 80 3128