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   Path: Panvasoft / Security / Passwords / Password Builder 1.0 /
18:54:02, Saturday, 11 January 2025 

 Size: 249 Kb  Users Vote: (4.60)
 OS: Windows 2000/NT/XP  Interface: English
 Installation: Install & Uninstall  License: Shareware ($14)
 Programm home page: Here  Last update: 9.1.2003(9.1.2003)
  Author: Pavel Beliaev  Downloads Today: 0
  Enother author's programs: show  Downloads Total: 125

   Password Builder - professional password generator for Windows.

In creation of the password there will be participate only allowed charsets:
- Upper case (A-Z)
- Lower case (a-z)
- Numeric (0-9)
- Misc (! " * $ % and ' () * +,-./:; <=>? ` [\] ^ _ ` {} ~)

Also it is possible to use the dictionary for creation of the password by a mask. The file of the dictionary should be in Plain Text format and each word should begin with a new line.

The length of the password can be as static and dynamic. If parameters of the minimal and maximal length are equal, the password will be static length. If parameters are various, the password will be casual length from this range.

In Password Builder the following templates are used:
- 'A' - to put a uppercase char.
- 'a' - to put a lowercase char.
- 'N' - to put a numeric char.
- 'M' - to put a punctuation mark or a misc char.
- 'x' - to put a random char from the allowed arrays of chars.
- '=' - to leave the following char as is.
- '!' - to use any of the allowed charsets except for the followed by.
- 'W' - to use one word from the dictionary
- '-' - to fill the rest of the password till the established length with chars from the allowed types of chars.

Besides the choice of char types and masks, you can edit sets of used chars in any of four types (the Big letters, small letters and so on).

In this window there are all four types of chars and sets for them.
- Uppercase - a set for chars of the big letters (A-Z by default).
- The lower case - a set for chars of small letters (a-z by default).
- Figures - a set for numeric chars (0-9 by default).
- Punctuation and alt chars - a set for chars of punctuation and special chars (! \ " * $ % and ' () * +,-./:; < = >? ` [\\] ^ _ ` {} ~ by default).

And more ....

Password Builder 1.0


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