You use either the arrow keys or a joystick to control a paddle at the bottom of the screen to block a ball from falling off the bottom of the screen. When the ball hits the paddle it bounces back up toward the top of the screen. Each time the ball drops off the bottom of the screen you loose one of your hearts, which are displayed at the bottom left corner of the screen. You start the game with 3 lives and when your hearts are gone the game is over. Spread out across the screen are various blocks, rewards and manipulators. Each time the ball hits one of these items an action occurs. The blocks increases your score by one point. The rewards give you extra life or increase the score. The manipulators can change the speed of the ball, the speed of the paddle, the size of the paddle or start the ball moving in a different direction. Wild Ball has 50 levels of play and is designed for a single player. While the game is designed for children between the ages of 6 to 9 many older children will also find this game entertaining.